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EVS at Sunny Hill


Two young EVS volunteers are joining us for 12 months to work on Awake Istria project.

Volunteering in Sunny Hill can be life changing experience for young person, that would like to experience community life in luxurious simplicity by living and working with us and at the same time help the local community to awaken dormant potential of this beautiful area.

The program involves development of a new hiking trail and help with organic food production on our permaculture garden. The volunteer will discover possible points of interest along the trail, photograph them, describe them, map them, set up the internet presentation and meet orgaic farmers along the way that will offer food and shelter to hikers.

The volunteers will also have an opportunity to learn  about organic food production.  They will help on our permaculure garden as well as to other organic farmers in the area. They will  learn about how to preserve food and will have the opportunity to experiment with combining tastes and inventing new gastronomic products.  If they will wish so, they will get a smal plot of land to cultivate independantly and experiment with their own ideas.

The volunteers will live with us in our community house and interact with members of the community and international travelers that visit us regularly throughout  the year.

Please come back to this page to read from the first hand,  what their experience looks like.
